130 x 230mm, 63 pages, Colour printing, Perfect bound, Softcover, 2024
At Contralytic Press, we believe that philosophy is not the only discipline equipped to interface with philosophical ideas. That is why our biannual Interdisciplinary Philosophy Journal brings together aspiring and established professionals, from a range of mediums and methodologies, to celebrate the collaborative insights of visual art, poetry, flash philosophy, and interviews with philosophers. In doing so, we intend to promote and preserve what philosophy has to offer to those who are both familiar and less familiar with the field, in an accessible and engaging manner.
This third issues' theme is on 'discourse', and includes: interviews with the authors of the recent publication of Metaphysical Animals, Rachael Wiseman and Clare MacCumhaill on the under-representation of women in the historical discourses of analytic philosophy, and their specialisation on the Wartime Quartet; as well as an interview with M.G. Piety and D. Wiedinmyer on revitalising the professionalisation of academic philosophy by re-introducing 'flash philosophy' to its practitioners.
Among our flash philosophy section, this issue contains contributions: from professors Joe Slater and Mike T. Hicks, discussing recent developments in AI's capacity to exude (Frankfurtian) 'bullshit' into the broader public discourse; researcher of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science from the Universidad Nacional de Educatión a Distancia, Neri Marsili, exploring whether fiction is really deceptive or assert lies to readers; as well as Mahee Mustaff, exploring Levi-Strauss' structuralist analysis of mythology as proto-discourse.
Our visual art contributors are: Alicja Kwade, Katja Farin, Mazenett Quiroga, Tatiana Kaga, and Dima Srouji. And lastly, our poetry contributors are: Amy Rafferty, Will Harris, Penelope Ioannou and Ian Macartney.
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