HAMMERING NAILS BY HAND by Olivier DiPlacido and Fritz Welch
CD, Full colour gloss card sleeve, 2021, released by Toxo Records
“The music is energetic, almost a punk rock version of improvised music, with no reservations to bending the techniques to play their instruments and nothing, lasts for very long, maintaining some great dynamic level. Sure, noise plays a role as is to be expected, but it never seems to be about a pure, all-noise assault. The music can be quiet and introspective; well, within reason of course. It never drops beyond the level of audibility. Both guitar and drums are truly tortured and music teachers worldwide shake their heads in disbelief. We would never train you to play like this, they would say, but rules are there to be broken. Thirty-six minutes of guitar and drums biohazard storm.”
Recorded in Glasgow and Naples during spring 2020
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